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first class

it was a long class. More than three hours. The first part we learnt about about rules. and here is the reference:

Then I searched more materials about her. Very interesting. I hope the instructor of my class will pull out something from me too and I hope I could pull out the best of people around me.

here is the link of this educator that my instructor is inspired: Corita Kent

she is great.

the homework is tough. I could not stop thinking about it. Nothing strong coming up yet, but i will try with a small idea tomorrow. The task: taking a picture of sound[s]

the second part of the presentation, we saw all interpretation of us about a self-portrait photo. I am very much impressed with one class mate's work. I knew her before and she had a very good sense that i am dying with envy (just kidding, but i admire her). there is some softness and a lot of feeling in her work and she is a rule breaker in very persuasive way. I sent one photo, yet she sent 4 photos to make her story and all of them were great. At first i loved the image of a body without the head, but my second thought, I loved her finger pressed on the wire. She actually used the objected around and interacted with them to create her own story/identities. very smart!

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